High Performance Alloys, a distributor of NITRONIC 60 and producer of high strength NITRONIC 60, makes bridge hinge pins for use in high strength applications. Not only is NITRONIC 60, a chromium nickel stainless steel, good for high strength, but it also has good corrosion resistance and great galling resistance. These characteristics of the high strength steel help it to be very effective in construction projects such as bridge repairs and construction.

The galling resistance is a tremendous bonus to the alloy over other stainless steels as the pin must be able to move with the expansion and contraction of the bridge. The ability of NITRONIC 60 to resist galling and corrosion are tremendous advantages in high strength applications for the continuous lifecycle of a bridge.
High Performance Alloys has produced high strength NITRONIC 60 to over 200 KSi yield. High Performance Alloys is also a domestic distributor, stocker of NITRONIC 60 that allows for quicker turnaround times here in the United States.
NITRONIC is a registered trademark of AK Steel.